Thursday, 10 March 2016

Editing II

Today was the day that we finished our editing process and came out with a finished film. The fight scene proved to be a continually difficult aspect for us to address in terms of making it look realistic to the point we couldn't use some of our preferred shots due to it looking unconvincing.

Despite this we feel like our film has good aspects in it with there being some seamless editing adding an air of professionalism to the film, leaving us with a finished product.

After reviewing the whole film we decided to change the ending scene due to there being a delay between the bullet being fired from the gun and my reaction which made the scene look unrealistic. We instead have used a cut to black as the gun is raised paired with a firing gun sound effect to make the viewer know what is going on but still leaving them unsure of my fate. This change is seen as beneficial to the film as a whole due to its added intensity matched with the music reaching a crescendo and cutting at the point of the gunshots.

We agreed to use the score In the House, In a Heartbeat by John Murphy (known for being the theme for the film 28 Days Later) for music. It fits well with the sequence of events in our film, starting lightly (I walk through woods) and becoming more intense as it goes on (Fight scene) before stopping all together (gunshots) and ending with a soft guitar melody (the killer walking away).

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