Thursday, 24 September 2015

Genre Conventions-Thriller

The aim of the Thriller as a genre is to create suspense and excitement for the audience.

The use of busy streets and suburban environments is often used to give a hectic theme which adds to the drama of the piece.

The narrative tends to revolve around a mystery and the unknown which enables the audience to be sympathise with the protagonist who is often the only person who can solve the enigma.

A technique often employed is violence which gives a dangerous aspect to the Thriller. This in turn gives the audience more of a sense of the troubles and problems faced by the protagonist whilst also giving them a powerful character to be admired.

Furthermore the Thriller genre as a general rule reveals the inner and often corrupt workings of large incorporations and establishments such as the government, police or army.

A further point about Thrillers is that the hero and villain often share ideals but go about implementing them differently causing a clash of character.

A central theme of putting right the injustice caused gives the protagonist a status of hero of the people despite the fact that the public often don't believe or support them due to the influence of the establishment which the hero is trying to expose.

The protagonist is also often characterised as a moral yet distant outcast of society who looks to right  the wrongs of society.

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